Tag Archives: gifts

ETSY for Inspiration… and Coolness

Ever come across an item destined for upcycled greatness only to find that you?re running low on inspiration?

Check out ETSY.

This site is made up of amazingly creative handcrafters ? a community of unending inspiration and a major source of cool.

Yard Clippings Turned Bath Tea

Lavender, chamomile, rose petals, *calendula, mint and rosemary are among the many ingredients that can be used in creating a soothing bath tea. *note: pronounced kulen?jula ? not kalen?doola, the latter will result in some serious mocking. Heed the voice of experience.

What Is Upcycling?

The term “upcycling” was coined by William McDonaugh and Michael Braugart in their book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things.
It’s also a much cooler way of saying, ??finding a way to use it again – preferably before recycling it.?
But it?s more than that.